The Animal That Moves Things

2019 | Festival Gato Vermelho (Electricidade Estética), Caldas da Rainha – Portugal

"Performative installation by immersion in an iconoclastic environment built through the displacement of bodies and the movement of ideas. The limits of the spatial circumscription will be tested."

“O Animal Que Move Coisas” [“The Animal That Moves Things”] was created by Pedro Barreiro, Ricardo B. Marques and Silvana Ivaldi in the scope of the project “Estudo de Materiais (ou Anacronias Gerais)” ["Material Studies (or General Anachronies)”], by the collective Sr. João. Photos: Aline Macedo | Video: Rodrigo Pereira | Production: Maria Albergaria | Coproduction: Materiais Diversos | Support: GDA Foundation