Because fate follows our traces like a madman brandishing a razor in his hand

2011 | Teatro Praga, Lisboa – Portugal
2011 | Auditório Municipal do Pinhal Novo, Pinhal Novo – Portugal
2011 | Palco Oriental, Lisboa – Portugal

"This project was born from the invitation made by Os Satyros to participate in the festival “Satyrianas” with an original performance. Thus, we added our longstanding concerns to what we were observing and experiencing in the city of São Paulo. The show dealt explicitly with questions of time, duration, effectiveness, fallibility of language, the place of the artist and the viewer, the illusion of deconstruction. In A Angústia deste Argumento [The Anguish of this Argument], we opted for an aesthetic approach that explored the ambiguity introduced in a pre-existing order, which, by the way it is articulated, puts that order into question."

Created and performed by: Óscar Silva e Pedro Barreiro | Special participation: Vinicius Sousa |Light design: Natália Campanella | Graphic design: espinalMedula | Acknowledgements: Rodolfo Garcia Vásquez, Pizzaria Kadalora